Mego Comic Action Hero Playsets for the 1975 toy series

One of the many CAH accessories is the Mego Mangler, Click on the pic for the Mego Mangler Pages.

Collapsing Tower Click on the pic for the WW Playset.

All of the larger CAH playsets had an act of mass destruction attached to them such as the collapsing tower set with Wonder Woman, which included a pretty masculine looking Wonder Woman and a neat Invisible plane. Picture by BrAin

Fotress of Solitude Click on the pic for the Mego Fortress of Solitude Playset.

Exploding Bridge Click on the pic for the Mego Batman playset page.

Batcopter Click on the pic for the Mego Batcopter page.

Spiderman Car Click on the pic for the Mego Comic Action Spidercar page.

The unproduced Mego Spiderman exploding Tower Playset was offered in 1977. The Spider car was produced on it's own in '78.

Original Catalog pages, Mego ads, comic book ads and order forms for the Mego Comic Action Hero Playsets, click on them for a larger view