The Mego Star Trek Gallery

Next to the Super Heroes, Mego's Star Trek line was their greatest triumph. Certainly, given the widespread phenomenon of Trek Fandom they have an collector base that extends way beyond Mego. You are competing with a deeper pool of collectors when you are after Star trek Megos.

This gallery features all three series of Trek figures: The Bridge Crew, and both Alien Series, among the most collected Megos of all. It is said that the bulk of the third series was destroyed in a warehouse fire and that accounts for their rarity, particularly the Romulan.

This gallery also has an extensive Playset section. This includes the Playsets for the figures themselves, but also the Star Trek related toys that Mego produced.


New to the gallery is the Motion Picture section, highlighting the movie toys both 3" and 12", how's that for progress?

The Star Trek Gallery would not have been possible without the contributions and assistance of Jeff Riemersma, Rob Chatlin, Micheal"T1K" Farance, Jon and Phil.

I had these toys as a kid-played with them ruthlessly (carried the Enterprise to school everyday in the first grade, it was eventually stitched together with shoelaces) But I am not much of a Trekkie now, find myself dragging my feet to add them to my collection, so I rely on other Megomaniacs for help in assembling this lineup of one of the most popular Mego products ever.