Mego The Reptile (Hammer Films)

Mego Hammer The Reptile
The Reptile is a 1966 horror film made by Hammer Film Productions. It was directed by John Gilling, and starred Noel Willman, Jacqueline Pearce, Ray Barrett, Jennifer Daniel, and Michael Ripper.
In a Cornish village, various locals die from mysterious snake bites, but the coroner rules the deaths as heart attacks until a family of newcomers starts an investigation. The film revolves around Anna (Jacqueline Pearce) Anna, who was changed into the reptile creature after being abducted and cursed by a Malay snake cult.
Always keeping one foot in the past, Mego Corp has clearly used the dress used for the classic Wicked Witch from the Mego Wizard of Oz line as the template for this one.
Sculptor: Sean Sansom
Outfit: Rachel Baker
Series: Hammer Horror
Wave: 13
Available: July 2021
Accessories: None
Photography by: Jason Saville
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