Mego Meet Dealers Room

Mego Meet Dealers Room Shots

The Mego Meet Dealers room had one of the highest concentration of Mego toys ever seen. Possibly more than could be found in larger toy shows.

Mego Meet Dealer Set up

Scenes from the Mego Meet Dealer Set up on Friday night

Mego Meet Dealer Greg Mason had an impressive offering

Greg (Luey) Mason shows off his impressive wares at the Meet including a carded Falcon, Yellow Legged Aquaman and Kresge carded Western Heroes!

Greg Mason's Mego table

Mego Meet Dealer Room

Roberto or "Blue Meanie" borought an amzing display of loose and boxed Mego items ranging from standard WGSH to King Kong!

Mego Meet Dealer Room

A triumphant moment as Roberto FINALLY completes his Speedy figure with his new acquired hat!

No matter where you looked the room was all Mego all the time

Dr Mego brought this original Wayne Manor Playset

One of Mego Meet's bigger supporters Doc Mego brough what seemed like a ton of reproduction figures and parts along with an original Wayne Manor!

Joe DeRouens Mego stuff

Joe DeRouen brought a variety of Mego Store items including acrylic cases

Megoville's Paul Clare

Paul "Hulk" Clare of brought an assortment of CTVT parts and items.

Mego Steve (pictured with Lindsay) brought everything from Original mego's, embroidered shirts to lapel pins.

Ed a toy dealer from PA brought some truly amazing things to Mego Meet, including an original Ideal Batgirl figure many of us drooled over.

Special thanks to Tom, Joe and Paul for the great pics!