Monday, April 17, 2006

Palitoy Week at the Megomuseum

There is nothing cooler than receiving shiny new photos of things we don't have, that's why I am very excited at the donations of our own Will who is kind enough to fill in some strong U.K. gaps this week.

First up is Mego Star Trek and we have five new additions in the early Bradgate cards, please check out the Kirk, Spock, Scottie, Dr McCoy and Klingon Galleries for fantastic new shots.

Next up? Palitoy Apes, stay Tuned.

Topics of Interest:

nahnahnahnah Batman! A poster shared this cool Halloween pic from years past.

So Very Sad: A really nice set of Mutilated Kresge Cards are on Ebay.

Toy History: This forgotten Toy Blueprint is being discussed in the Microverse.

Comic Book Guy Forum asks What event ruined a comic for you?


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