Mego Meet 2006
June 2nd & 3rd
Kruger Street Toy
&Train Museum
Wheeling, West Virginia
What is Mego Meet?
Mego Meet Itinerary
Dealer, Guest, Supporter links
Kruger St. Toy&Train Museum
Wheeling Hotels
Wheeling Visitors Bureau
Questions? or Comments
2005 Meet memories
What is Mego Meet?
Simply put Mego Meet is a chance for the Mego community,(people interested in the great things put out by the toy company Mego) to get together in person.

If you're not sure what a Mego is, full info can be found at The Mego Museum

It will be happening at the Kruger Street Toy&Train Museum in Wheeling, West Va.

It will feature dealers to buy from, and panels and discussions and displays to enjoy.

This is not being done by Dave or myself to make a profit. Our goal simply is to do something good for the community.

We are not affiliated with the Mego Corp. We are not affiliated with the Kruger Street Toy&Train Museum.
All proceeds will go to the Kruger Street Toy&Train Museum to cover costs incurred for hosting this event.

There will an exclusive Megomuseum/Megomeet trading card at Mego Meet 2006!

Thank you Classic TV Toys, Megostore, and Megoville , for the free figures available to the 2005 Meet attendees.