and Photos by Jim Emmons

Toy industry advertisement (courtesy Mike J)
In 1977,Mego released the first 4 Wonder Woman figures. The
box on all 4 figures features Lynda Carter's picture from
the first season of the TV show. The back of the box features
prototype versions of each of the 4 dolls.

first release WW has painted on outfit with blue fabric star
shorts. Comes with Diana Prince navy uniform, dark tinted glasses,
black shoes, magic lasso, bracelets, red boots, tiara, and blue

Carter was absent from the 2nd Release Wonder Woman
It's unkonown whether Mego had the rights to use her likeness
at all. When producing figures for the Superman Movie, it
was obvious Mego could not use the characters likeness or
their movie outfits.

Wonder Woman gets a new look! Mego redesigned the box back
to just a picturesque artist's rendering of Paradise Island
with text advertising for you to "surround Wonder Woman with
other friends & foes"(i.e. the other dolls in the line).
the front, they still used the same comic book drawings but
no Linda Carter photos.
Wonder Woman doll no longer had the painted on outfit, but
came with a completely removable cloth outfit with straps.
She also came with 2 new Diana Prince outfits. The one that
was always included is a blue robe that tied in the front
and a pair of shoes. This is the one photographed in the 1979
Mego Toy Fair Catalog. The other outfit, which varied, was
usually Cher's salmon colored halter dress that snapped behind
the neck (probably because Mego made so many of them). But
sometimes included was Farrah's white one-piece halter jumpsuit,
which also snapped behind the neck.
The shoe colors usually varied between, white, salmon, or
black. Another variation is Cher's "Fortune Teller" outfit
designed by Bob Mackie. Again, from a production standpoint,
this made sense due to the amount of outfits Mego probably
owned from the popularity of their Cher and Farrah lines (sidenote:
Mego repackaged most of Bob Mackie's Cher outfits into Farrah's
outfits either due to demand on Farrah's products or due to
an excess of inventory. Farrah was never really THAT glamorous
anyway). Also, Wonder Woman began to slip in it's own popularity
on TV at this time and Mego probably couldn't see investing
any more money into the line, so they added whatever excess
outfits they had in order to move the inventory.

is a Canadian "Grand Toys" box, that features the Canadian
released outfits.

UK's Burbank Toys box, not shown here are the Mexican Lili
Ledy and Canada's Parkdale Novelty Box.

Mailer Box WW

Trevor Wonder Woman's boyfriend usually had Blond Hair
in the comics, here the figure is a mix of the comic characters
outfit with a likeness of Lyle Waggoner.

was never featured on TV, only in the comic book series as
Wonder Woman's long-lost Amazon sister. The doll's box claimed
she was "direct from her reign of TV terror" and she was marketed
as Wonder Woman's "super-foe".
Doll has white gown with green cape and gold buckles on each
shoulder and is wearing white shoes. Also comes with white
stand. The doll was modeled after actress Cloris Leachman.
of the comic characters outfit with a likeness of Lyle Waggoner.

The Wonderwoman Outfit Gallery Click

Click Here. for info on the unreleased
WW playset.