Monday, June 05, 2006

Mego Meet Recap Part 3 : Displays, Customs and photography

We started the afternoon off by doing a very smart thing and taking a group shot. It's also a good time to show what was going on just above our heads.

The First thing you saw was a stunning display of Mego figures, rare prototypes and foreign figures such as Mego Zorro and Tex Willer on top. A complete history of Mego Superman packaging on the bottom, more pics below:

Just another shot of the Superman display that made my heart go pitter patter.

Inside, I was relieved to see that the Museum hadn't gotten rid of their creepy mannequin (you can see her foot in this shot) We also were treated to displays full of Mego goodness, this display was dedicated to Mego World's Greatest Superheroes

Chris Johnson shared some very rare Mego Steve Goal getter outfits in the next case, it's always cool to see something you never have before.

Ray Miller provided an impressive display of Micronauts, when people mention Mego, often they seem to only think of the 8" figures so it was great to have an expert on one of Mego's more successful toy lines on hand.

Another impressive display of Micronauts (pics courtesy of Ray Miller)

Across the hall, Ben had created a makeshift photo studio for World's Greatest Toys and busied himself by taking photos of items folks had brought for him from across the country. Here, Mike J has brought his incredibly minty Secret Identity figures for Ben to photograph.

Scott also made use of this opportunity to photograph unusual items for the Megomuseum.

Heading Back downstairs, John Miic had another surprise waiting:

John created a mock up the Micronauts ship
John has spent months designing models, above is the Endeveour, the spaceship Commander Raan flew in the Marvel Micronauts comic book. It actually holds figures! I wish I had John's talent.

John created a scale model of the Logan's Run Ground Car
And of course, my favourite bit of John's work, the hover car from Logan's Run. John has made this to scale of the 9" Logan figures, to call me impressed is an understatement, this thing is amazing!

Stay Tuned for Part 4


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