Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Whollaping Websnappers! The New Megomuseum Trading Card is

We're counting down to the final Mego Museum Superhero trading cards but we're ending with a real BANG, the Secret Identities but with a side bonus, you'll just have to see for yourself.

Only two days left for the Mego Meet Raffle, tickets are $5 and the prizes include a carded Andorian and Human Torch plus much more. Check it out here.

The Mego Meet Schedule is on the Museum boards for review. Please note that Ben Holcombe will be giving a sneak peek of his new book World's Greatest Toys that won't be available again until the book comes out.

Ebay seller Tracey was kind enough to share pics of her carded Aquaman that will soon be hitting EBay, one day he shall be mine!

Board Member Kresge1 is selling his amazing Solid Boxed Superman as well, drool!

Cool toy, Rob and Anthony posted some pics of the rarely spoken about Hal Needham stunt playset.


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