Megohead of the Month – October 2011

Welcome once again to the Mego Museum’s Megohead of the Month, where we feature a Museum member and their collection.

Museum Handle: clemso

Real Name: Clem So

Do you have a website or a blog? Nope

Where do you hail from?Devon in the South West of England. UK

How did you find the Mego Museum? I honestly don’t remember. I joined the old Mego e-list (yahoo group) in 2001, quite a few of the older members here were originally from there and I am guessing I just migrated with the flow of activity and discussion.

What inspired you to join the forum? Mego collecting is no fun on your own, unless your one of the fortunate few who has a spouse who shares your passion for collecting 8 inch dollies in coloured tights (;-) Plus I love, sharing and reading about other members and their collections. There is definitely plenty of drool to go around.

What is your favorite Mego line? You know, that’s such a difficult question to answer. Part of my attraction to Mego is the diversity of characters and I love the packaging as much as the figures, so I will have to cheat a little and break down the question into bite sizeable answers and these answers are just for today. I could give you completely different set tomorrow.

Mego: Action Jackson. The majority of Mego lines are about the figure, Action Jackson is all about the accessories & vehicles, it is historically significant as Megos first 8 inch action figure and a precursor to the WGSH. I love the fact that the early AJs have T0 bodies and the illustrated box art for the outfits really captures the period. With the exception of some of the rarer boxed vehicles, Action Jackson is still very affordable, making this line fun and accessible to collect for most.

Foreign Mego: Palitoy Zorro, without a doubt, to me one of the finest figures that Mego ever made. Lots of qualities to this figure. Zorro’s shiny suit material against a full length cape help to capture his classic look. The illustrated box art is just phenomenal, a perfect blend of style and panache makes this for me a very attractive and desired collectible.

Mego like: Popys. I’m really into these at the moment. I like to think of these as the Japan’s branch of the WGSHs. I’ve always admired Popys in other members collections from afar but have always been hesitant to join the hunt knowing full well that some of the Battle Fever figures are very hard to find. I love the fact that these Japanese heroes were once proudly packaged and displayed alongside the WGSH big 3 meaning to me that they always possess this special close association to the Mego family. I have only recently just completed this line, boxed (san big 3). I love all the Japanese typeface logos and the colour scheme for box and figure are as mego-like as you can get. I’ve no idea who half the characters are (lol), but that’s the fun, finding out. ‘Cool’ is the only word that I can think of to describe this line.

Happiest Mego Memory? As a child throwing my Superman up as high as I could into the sky. You really could believe a Mego could fly (cue Superman theme score).

What is the one thing you’re hunting for? I would dearly love a set of window box Mad Monsters and a complete Ultraman Leo (Preferably in its original packaging, its Mego and I can dream).

What is one item in your collection your most proud of? Jet Jungle Mib. After returning to the Mego Museum Forums in 2006 ish after a few years absence, I somehow manage to miss the single greatest Mego discovery in the Mego Museums collecting history. I kept hearing reference to this Jet guy or ‘JJ ‘ (surely not Jonah?) as some members fondly referred to him as. When I eventually read about the discovery of Jet Jungle in the WGSH Gallery no less. I had to read it again and again, I simply could not comprehend how it was possible for a totally brand new T1 character to be unearthed from the early 1970s like that and especially with that gorgeous WGSH box too! I think theres a little bit of Indiana Jones in every Mego collector. I for one love the idea that there is a vintage Mego out there yet to be discovered. It happened with the Tex Willers, Palitoy Zorro and then Jet Jungle. To me Jet Jungle embodies, encapsulates everything that I love about Mego collecting. The hunt/chase, the thrill of finding a new discovery and the narrative. When Jet Jungle came up for sale in April 2009. I was fortunate to be in the right time, place and circumstances to acquire him and now, for me to own the only boxed example of Jet Jungle known to exist in the world to date, well I couldn’t be prouder to have him in my collection.

Any other hobbies, collections? I love comic books, especially the work of Jack Kirby. I’m also a big fan of JR 21 Rosenthal Thunderbird toys.

Any words of wisdom for beginning collectors? I remind myself of this everyday so I’m not lecturing anybody or anything. Patience, unless your talking prototypes or ultra grail pieces, in most cases, another will come along for sale. Research, research, research. Buy it because you like it, the value is in the enjoyment and satisfaction of looking at your Megos everyday. The Mego community is very small and tight-knit group, so do try not to pee anyone off, being cordial with other collectors can go a long way in this community in helping to make your Mego collecting experience a more enjoyable one.

Many thanks to Clem for sharing with us this month! See you in 31 days with another Mego Museum Member Collector Profile!