Welcome to the Mego Museums Megohead of the Month, where each month we will feature a member and their collection.
First up is our own Megoapesnut: Scott Miller.
Museum Handle: megoapesnut
Do you have a website or a blog? http://www.megocipsa.com
Where do you hail from? Cleona, PA
How did you find the MegoMuseum? Google search looking for a weapons bench for a POTA Tree House
What inspired you to join the forum? Initially, I just wanted to contact the person selling the weapons bench. Then I got hooked!
What is your favorite Mego line? Hmmm…that’s a tough one. Soooo many awesome lines. I’ll get back to you on this one. OKAY! Apes Rule! Me love some Mego POTA.
Happiest Mego Memory? This is a dead tie and one of them doesn’t involve Ape figures, believe it or not. I had my Mego apes figures and POTA Tree House up in the attic of our house when we lived in Hershey. I spent many a day recreating scenes from the POTA TV series up there. The other really great Mego memory is when I was living with my grandparents (in the same house I own and live in now). My step dad and I did not get along very well when I was growing up so I lived with my grandparents for a year and they got me a few Mego figures – Kirk, Batman, Joker and Riddler. I missed my brothers and sisters that year, so I spent a lot of time in my room pitting Kirk and Batman against Joker and Riddler. I’d usually have Kirk with me when my Grandmother and I watched Star Trek and Batman was sitting next to me whenever we watched Creature Double Feature. Those were golden years.
What is the one thing you’re hunting for? Actually there are quite a few things that I am still looking for, but the one I want the most is a boxed CIPSA Bill. A POTA Tree House Giftset is quite a close second.
What is one item in your collection your most proud of? Wow, that’s a tough one. Right at this moment it would be my set of Secret Identity figures. However, those will be rejoining the collection of another member soon, so that makes it a tough question. I’d probably have to say my boxed CIPSA Tree House. I never thought I would own one of those and was quite elated when one of our friends in Mexico tracked it down for me.
Any other hobbies, collections? I collect old lunchboxes, football cards and old Coke memorabilia. I owned a few vintage Coke machines in the past, but none at the moment. As far as hobbies, I am an avid photographer, mountain biker and snowboarder. I also love to ride my Harley on long day trips.
Any words of wisdom for beginning collectors? Spend the extra dollars to buy whatever you collect in the nicest condition you can find, cause you will eventually want to upgrade and you’ll end up spending more than if you just got it in the condition you wanted in the first place. Easier said than done, I know.
Many thanks to Scott for sharing with us this month! See you in 30 with another Mego Museum Member Collector Profile!