Announcing the Mego Museum Mailing List and Newsletter

Newsletter_headerThe Mego Museum has been the center of the online Mego community since 1996 (18 years! Holy cow!), connecting hundreds and thousands of collectors, customizers, and even manufacturers.

Today there is even more Mego chatter than ever but we have noticed that there are many people on Facebook who are not members of our Mego Forums and vice-versa. There are also an unknown number of lurkers who are not actively participating in these online discussions. We’d like to be able to communicate with ALL Mego Collectors to share what’s happening in all our venues and to promote the buying and selling of Megos old and new through various channels so as to keep the hobby strong.

Most important, this hobby really needs a master mailing list. When toy manufacturers or media publishers ask us how many Mego fans there are all we can really do is guess. This means that some exciting Mego projects may not take off because there is no way to determine how strong the market really is.

If you are actively collecting vintage Megos, are buying new ReMegos, or are simply a fan that wants to know more about Megos you should be on our list! Pass this email along and tell your collector friends to add themselves to the count! We’ll make that number available from time to time.

Our newsletter is just beginning and is sure to evolve. Feel free to let us know what you’d like to see in future issues.

You can of course unsubscribe at any time and we will never sell your information to any outside parties. Please read our Privacy Policy.

You can sample our newsletter here.

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How would you describe your Mego collecting?

How active is your vintage Mego collecting?

How do you feel about modern ReMegos in general?

How do you feel about modern ReMegos in general?

Are you a customizer?

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Robyn Adams (under the name Scott C Adams until recently) created the Mego Museum in 1996 and has been constantly redesigning it very slowly ever since. She is an animation background painter, graphic artist, illustrator and web designer in Oakland, California. She can be reached at