
Robyn Adams (under the name Scott C Adams until recently) created the Mego Museum in 1996 and has been constantly redesigning it very slowly ever since. She is an animation background painter, graphic artist, illustrator and web designer in Oakland, California. She can be reached at

There’s Even a Mego Museum! (Museum Shout Out on Pawn Stars)

It’s no surprise that our members would be big fans of a show like Pawn Stars on History Channel (and American Pickers for that matter!). So when the Museum got a mention on last night’s episode “Cannons and Klingons” our boards lit up with the news. It came during a segment when a Star Trek collector brought his massive collection in to sell and it included a number of carded Trek Megos signed by the actors themselves. Here’s a short clip of the moment in question. The full episode will be online soon at or check your local listings.

Lost comes home at last.

After over a year strandedThe Island of Lost Megos I finally was able to pick up the second and final Wave of BifBangPow figures at Comic-Con. I’m personally very happy to see them and I am thankful for the support the Mego and Lost communities gave as to my campaign. I had the immense pleasure…

Every Mego at Comic-Con

Well, I hate standing in lines for hours at a stretch, so there was no way I was getting into the Game of Thrones panel. So as I browsed the exhibit hall and I entertained myself by trying to find every single Mego I could find at Comic-Con. Here they are. Almost all of them…

SDCC Pictures

It’s been a long busy day at Comic-Con! Here are some pictures from BifBangPow! at the Entertainment Earth booth and Heroes in Action. More to come! [nggallery id=5]

Auction Watch: Carded WGSH Collection

A rather astonishing collection of carded Mego World’s Greatest Super Heros figures appeared on eBay this week. 2nd issue cards including rare versions of Catwoman and Aquaman along with a number of 1st issue (aka Kresge) cards. We contacted the seller for more information. The collection belonged to a big time fan of MEGO named…