Mego Meet Recap Part Four
The afternoon got into full swing and Ray Miller began his fasciating seminar about the Micronauts. Anyone who was there can tell you Ray really knows what he's taking about. Ray brought with him some truly amazing items including original production designs and Harold Shull packaging artwork for Nemesis.It was great to have such a strong micronaut presence at Mego Meet this year.
In the dealer's room things were really buzzing, I personally missed out on a few things I should have grabbed. I spent some time trying to piece together a custom for my son, more on that later.Meanwhile, I noticed Mark had been unpacked for some time, I wandered over and checked out what he had brought.
Of course, the main attractions had to be amount of uber rare Mego World's Greatest Superheroes Mark brought to Mego Meet. For folks such as myself, seeing a Kresge Carded Green Arrow up close is almost like meeting a celebrity, both will never make it to my home.

Few of us had ever seen this very cool Dinah Mite Gift Set that Mark brought.
An original mailer boxed Mego Action Jackson Camper was going to set you back a few dollars.
Carded Mego Iron Man anyone? He's a modest $13,000.00
Perhaps thisCarded Mego Aquaman is more your to your liking.
Carded Star Trek Aliens rarely get outclassed but that's a Solid Boxed Robin in their midst!
The previously mentionedKresge Carded Green Arrow tempted a certain author.
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