Mego Raffle Prize Lots
Prize Lots:
1st Prize: Original Boxed Planet of the Apes Galen, General Ursus and Astronaut Burke.
2nd Prize: Boxed Mego World's Greatest Superheroes Batman
3rd Prize: Carded World's Greatest Superheroes Batman
4th Prize: Carded Star Trek Scottie and carded Zira from Planet of the Apes
5th Prize: Carded Star Trek Scottie
6th Prize: Boxed Denys Fisher Doctor Who Doll
7th Prize: Carded World's Greatest Superheroes Spiderman
8th Prize: Boxed Gabriel Lone Ranger and Tonto
9th Prize: Boxed Gabriel Butch Cavendish and Dan Reid
10th Prize: Carded Lion Rock Cochise, Boxed Buffalo Bill Cody
11th Prize: Lion Rock Cochise Carded and a set of Tex Willer reproductions
12th Prize: Batman on Reproduction Card, Loose Spiderman, Loose Falcon, Superman Box, Chips Van from Empire, Mego Superheroes carrying case
13th Prize: Ken Kelly limited edition Micronauts Hornetroid print
14th Prize: Set of 13 MIB DC Direct Kingdom Come figures
15th Prize: Set of CTVT Pirates MIB
16th Prize: Captain America Bust
17th Prize: lot of Gerry Anderson and Hanna Barberra vehicles (UFO, Thunderbirds, Dasterdly and Mutley
18th Prize: Set of Repro Carded CTVT Monsters, Boxed CTVT Jean Lafite
19th Prize: DC Direct Superman through the ages set
20th Prize: Batman Life Magazine, HW Batmobile, Comic Back Issue and Magazine lot
21st Prize: Marvel Pez, Bonavita Mego Book, Toy Biz Marvel Heroes, radio CDs
22nd Prize: Assortment of Modern Action figures, Flash Gordon, WildCats, Corgi Batmobile
23rd Prize: Crater Cruncher Vehicle
24th Prize: Superman DVDs, Alien VHS, Newsradio Boxed Set
25th Prize: Dinah Mite set
Special thanks to everyone who donated items!
To purchase one or a book of tickets please use the paypal form on this page
Labels: megomeet, raffle, Superheroes
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