2014 is the 40th anniversary of the body that changed a generation! What better way to celebrate that than to have a truly new 8 inch body that captures the iconic look but also brings it into the future?!
David Lee (Cast-a-way toys: The Phantom, Captain Action, and customizing accessories) and Craig Owen (ZICA toys, Buck Rogers, and the all new Yvonne super articulated female body) have put their expertise together for the first time to create an all new retro body! Two trusted names in 8 inch figures united to bring you the Type “S” body!
- · The Mego Aesthetic: Since 1974 no other 8 inch body has had the staying power of this classic design. When you think retro 8 inch scale figures, you think the type 2 Mego body. The success of the re-mego movement has been tied closely to this design, because it captures the charm of the 70’s and yet it’s still timeless and as versatile as any modern action-figure. We knew we wanted to capture the classic look of the Type 2, so there was no doubt for the look of this new body.
- · Superior Construction: If the Mego type 2 has any faults it’s its rubber band construction. What was cutting edge in 1974 isn’t really up to today’s standards. The tension that holds the body together is also its own worst enemy. The arms can’t rise past 45 degrees to the side, the tension can cause for a cross legged look if too tight, articulation tends to spring back, and rubber bands don’t last forever… With this in mind we decided to opt for a modern solid construction (Type “S” for Solid). This allows for independent articulation on the arms legs and waist. This independent articulation means no tension on the joints, no spring-back and overall superior pose-ability.
- · Increased Articulation: The greatest opportunity in re-designing this classic body comes in adding some extra articulation. Without taking away from the look we carefully added some extra articulation points to make this classic body even better! The original 16 points of articulation was boosted to 22! Including better shoulder articulation, swivels at the elbow and removable feet. Now your classic figure can hold more modern poses!
- · Ease of Customization: The reason this body has been around for 40 years is because anyone can make his own action figure! Swap the head and costume and you have whole new hero! What’s better than taking something and making it your own? Nothing… this is what keeps a 40 year old toy line alive to this day. With this in mind we didn’t want to change a thing, except to make it easier! This new design utilizes a screw a part chest for ease of customization. Rotocast, resin, injection molded? All heads fit on this new body. No more working that head in, no more neck plug sanding, just unscrew the chest and put in any compatible head. Looking to the future, we plan to take this body to the next level of customization. With newer, bigger chests, bigger arms, different hands and feet customizers will be able to make this body into just about any character they can imagine!
- · 100 percent compatibility: In the 70’s there were no less than 5 major companies making 8 inch action-figures: AHI, Tomland, Lincoln, LJN and our Beloved MEGO. They made Action Jackson, WGSH, SWAT, EMERGENCY, and every kind of Monster imaginable! This legacy left us with a wealth of compatible parts and pieces. In the Modern era things absolutely exploded! Pioneers like Doc Mego, Figures Toy Company and new comers like, Classic T.V. Toys, EMCE/Bif Bang Pow, Cast-a-Way Toys, and ZICA, have produced resources available to the customizer that rivals any other action-figure format on the market! When you add talented tailors, sculptors, packagers, and “resin slingers” working in this scale, you have almost anything your heart can desire to customize with. So with all these parts available, why wouldn’t you want a body that “works and plays well” with all these resources? Of course you would! That’s why we made this body capable of using nearly everything on the market! Heads, boots, gloves, costumes, and hands, nearly everything works on this new body.
Coming very soon this project will utilize Kick Starter to give you the opportunity to help us make this body a reality! If you want this body, here is yur chance to make it happen! What will you get? How about product? plain and simple, you are pre-ordering this body, the more you buy the cheaper they get! You can get them at darn near cost! The Proto-type is done! Craig and Dave have a proven track record of producing. Are you ready for a better body? The only thing left is YOU!