Mego Comic Action Heroes Mangler Playset
Packaging artwork by Neal Adams
One of the many Comic Action Heroes accessories is the Mego Mangler, which included a Comic Action Green Goblin figure is the strangest piece ever made for the Mego Superheroes and one of the coolest.
Like all Comic Action Heroes packaging, the Mego Mangler box tells it's story (using some pretty cool art)
According to it's packaging the Mangler is "An Ideal accesory for creating many adventures with the Comic Action Team" Hey it sold me.
Always missing from the Mangler playset is the flat Green Goblin, Keene Silfer was kind enough to provide a scan for you to print out. Thanks Keene!
It's interesting to point out that the Mangler actually "chews"the Goblin, thanks to it's front wheel
Original Catalog pages, Mego ads, comic book ads and order forms for the Mego Comic Action Mangler Playset, click on them for a larger view
The Mego Forum Is the perfect place to discuss or buy sell and trade Mego Green Goblin Figures