Our Mego Collector spotlight for September is a name a lot of people will recognize because he’s been one of the most positive people in the Hobby and is truly having fun with this. Ladies and gentleman, Kevin Fiore.
Kevin Fiore aka Bronxboykev on the Mego Museum aka #Keviemas365 according to my brother and friends on the pages, lol.
Do you have a website or a blog?
I do not have a website or blog, but I do admin a couple of Facebook pages… Mego Action Jackson and Fiends and The Mego Page and an all-inclusive toy group called Toys are Us to mention a few, I also play around on Instagram under keviemego and I also have a few vids up on TikTok under the name @kevinfiore716
How long have you been collecting Mego?
Naturally, it all started way back when Mom started buying Mego for us when we were kids, but I was re-introduced to collecting back in 2010
What is your favorite Mego line?
The Superheros have always been a favorite but as some know, I’ve become quite fond of a guy called Action Jackson .
Happiest Mego Memory?
I couldn’t pin it down to 1, but the Christmas mornings with a plethora of brand-spanking new Megos under the Christmas tree for my Brothers and myself will always be a favorite.
What is your favorite new Mego figure of recent years (If you have one)?
Damned if it doesn’t change constantly lol every time they release something new and fantastic I’m always changing my answer but if back to the wall force me to pick 1 their Black 8 inch Batman.
What’s one item in your collection your most proud of?
There are plenty but I’d have to say my Diamond Suit and Broken Circle Suit Spidermen are at the peak
What’s your Mego “white whale”? There are a few of the Action Jackson Cereal Mailer box set for 1, Ever since the discovery of the back panel of the cereal box add I purchased we’d hope to prove its validity and damn if I didn’t come up short in winning one that surfaced recently, The seller said he had another but he’s not letting it go sadly, Jet Jungle would be another, I had the opportunity to get one on the Facebook pages but I just wasn’t comfortable in sending money through a wire transfer
Any other hobbies, or collections? When I started collecting again I was going for the toys of my youth, so I have a meager collection of 12-inch Hasbro GI Joes and Marx Best of the West/Johnny West figures and yes don’t laugh I have a few Ding A Lings look it up they were made by the toy company Topper lol… As far as new stuff, there really isn’t room for much but the 3.75/4 inch Spin Masters Superhero line IMO is the best value out there for a collector aside from the Mego Relaunch
Any words of wisdom for beginning collectors? I will always pass these words of wisdom along that my Brother gave to me “Collecting is a Marathon not a Sprint”