UPDATE: Friday June 10, 2011
[nggallery id=1]Mego Meet is underway and reports are it’s bigger and better than ever. We’ll have more reports as soon as we are able!

Mego Meet 2011 Logo by Art "Tiny Titans" Baltazar
Thursday June 9, 2011: Safe travels to everyone who is heading to Wheeling, West Virginia today for the 2011 Mego Meet! If you can’t make it, keep an eye out here for Mego Museum Podcast updates from Brian and the gang throughout the event!
Here’s the official list of speakers and events for Megomeet 2011:
Thursday Night-Early Bird Night! Several people show up a day early. There is absolutely nothing planned or officially going on, but people that show early start to gather in the Super 8 hotel lobby as they arrive. By 6 or 7 pm, we usually have a group of about 10-15 and go find someplace to eat. Then we normally open up the Megosuite and hang out until whenever.
Friday Night-5p.m. – 10p.m. Reception, swap meet, pizza party, dealer setup at Kruger Street Train and Toy Museum. Note- you don’t have to wait until 5pm to show up. Many people head over to the Museum whenever they get in. We’re there all day setting up, so everyone is welcome to come by and just hang out. Nothing is really setup, but there is always good company.
Retire to the Megosuite-
Saturday-8a.m.- Doors open for dealers
9a.m.to 5p.m. – Event
6:30 p.m. Dinner at Undo’s Restaurant
Retire to the Megosuite
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