Mego Starsky and Hutch : A video history by MegoMuseum


Megomuseum presents a new Video in our “History of Mego” series, this month the focus is on the popular crime drama “Starsky and Hutch” and we discuss the many different products Mego created for the program.

Discussion includes Grand Toys, Palitoy Bradgate, Prototypes and variations.

Narrated by Jason Lenzi (@bbplenzi)
Edited by Brian Heiler (@plaidstallions)

Visit the MegoMuseum Starsky and Hutch Gallery:

Starsky and Hutch

Music: Swagger (used with permission)
Swagger – Quincas Moreira | No Copyright Music YouTube – Free Audio Library

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AKA Brian. Curator/helper monkey on the Mego Museum. Webmaster/Creator of . President (and sole employee) of Odeon Toys. Freelance pop culture writer, toy historian and author of the book "Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings" which is now available. Shoe size is 15 wide.