Mego Superhero Prototypes discovered (and for sale!)

Mego Prototype heads for the World's Greatest Superheros

Original mego Prototypes and heads

Heritage Auction Strikes again with more from the collection of sculptor Gene Salamacha, who it turns out sculpted the original line of Mego’s World’s Greatest Superheroes. This latest offering may be the strongest pieces of Mego history every put up on auction as the offering contains clay and hard copies for Robin, Superman, Aquaman and Tarzan. As well as a considerable amount of early attempts of certain characters.



This year’s annual Mego Convention June 17-18 in beautiful downtown Skokie!


You can view the amazing samples below or check them out at the Heritage Auctions website. (thanks to Steve of for the head’s up!)

Original mego head sculpt prototype for Robin from the Mego World's Greatest Superheroes.

Original mego head sculpt prototype for Robin from the Mego World’s Greatest Superheroes.

Original mego head sculpt prototype for Superman and Aquaman from the Mego World's Greatest Superheroes.

Original mego head sculpt prototype for Superman and Aquaman from the Mego World’s Greatest Superheroes.

Original mego head sculpt prototype for Superman and Aquaman from the Mego World's Greatest Superheroes.

Original mego head sculpt prototype for Superman and Aquaman from the Mego World’s Greatest Superheroes.