Benjamin Holcomb is launching a NEW Mego publication called WORLD’S GREATEST TOYS! Digest. It is designed to work in tandem with his book, Mego 8” Super-Heroes: World’s Greatest Toys!
The debut issue — entitled TOY ANARCHY IN THE UK! PART 1 — is loaded with exciting Mego content and the most comprehensive Checklist and Price Guide for Mego 8” SUPERMAN ever conceived.
The “Test Order” First Printing sold out immediately but Benjamin is planning to do another print run provided there is enough interest. To RESERVE your copy, simply Email benjamin (at) worldsgreatesttoys dot com. (Email is required).
If he receives at least 50 Reservation Emails, he will go into production and send out invoices. Price will be $16.88 (shipping will be $1.50 USA/$4.00 worldwide).
Publication Details:
16 Page Illustrated Mego Fanzine (5½ x 8½ Color/B&W)
Debut Issue $16.88
Who doesn’t want another Mego publication, let’s make this happen Megoheads!