Supergirl update from Figures Toy Company

Wondering where the maiden of might went? Figures Toy Company issued a statement on twitter about the Supergirl figures that are no longer available to order:

Update on the new Supergirl retro figures: the two new Supergirl figures did not arrive as expected yesterday. We are working on getting them delivered ASAP, and will keep collectors posted of their arrival! Thank you!

So there you have it, it looks like they’ll be flying to collectors homes shortly.


AKA Brian. Curator/helper monkey on the Mego Museum. Webmaster/Creator of . President (and sole employee) of Odeon Toys. Freelance pop culture writer, toy historian and author of the book "Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings" which is now available. Shoe size is 15 wide.