Tag: buck rogers toys

1979: Mego Launches Buck Rogers!

Mego Buck Rogers

Spotlighting this wonderful ad from 1979, celebrating the launch of the Mego Buck Rogers toy line. The line did not fare anywhere near as good as Mego had hoped but was still considered a success, mainly due to the weekly television series being very popular with kids at the time. More Mego Buck Rogers on…

Vintage Mego: Buck Rogers Star Searcher

  This week we look at the total oddity that is the “Buck Rogers Star Searcher” a repackaged Micronauts vehicle, we also look at some of the other proposed (but not produced) vehicles and playsets for this line. They may look familiar. Visit us online at : https://www.megomuseum.com/galleries/buck3/ Twitter: @megomuseum Facebook Group: Mego Mania

Vintage Mego: Buck Rogers Land Rover

This week we focus on an underrated item and a favourite of mine, the Buck Rogers Land Rover vehicle. This was actually used on the series and is a pretty cool toy. We had our first casualty on the set of Vintage Mego, more details on that in the video. Visit the Mego Museum Buck…