Tag: ftc-news

The 2014 Mego Museum Kubby Awards

It’s awards show time again! The Kubby awards are our annual honours to excellence in ReMego as chosen by you! This year was truly an embarrassment of riches and we’re excited to announce the winners that you, the fans chose as your favourites this year. We’ll spare you the Bert Parks inspired theme song (trust me,…

More FTC reveals from the Farrow

    Danny “The Farrow” Anniello  gave us an awesome shout out and made some more fun announcements on the Electric Ballroom Radio Show tonight including confirmations: Superfriends will Include: Samurai, apache chief, new versions of Superman, Batman and Robin Batman 1966 will include Shame and Bookworm (which he mentioned is finished). DC Characters will include Jimmy Olsen, TeenTitans…

FTC shows us their Gleek

One week after we learned of FTC’s Superfriends line of 8″ figures, they’ve teased us with an image of their Gleek prototype on their facebook page. It’s a good day to be a 70’s kid. Discuss this on our Figures Toy Forum! 

Great Scott! Superman wave 1 from FTC

Mego fans have been speculating about what characters would be in FTC’s first wave of Superman characters and now the mystery is solved thanks to this post on Figures Website. Wave one: Superman, Bizarro, Supergirl and a properly impish Mr Mxy! More here: http://figurestoycompany.com/supermanretro8inchactionfiguresseries1.aspx

FTC reveals Tarzan and Conan characters

Figures Toy Co has revealed it’s upcoming Tarzan and Robert Howard lineups on their website today. Conan, King Kull and Solomon Kane. Tarzan, Jane, Korak, and Meriem round out the first round of Edgar Rice Burroughs characters.