Tag: Lex Luthor

First Look: Mego Lex Luthor in Wave 19: World’s Greatest Superheroes

Mego Lex Luthor in wave 19 Worlds Greatest Superheroes Although he has no superpowers to speak of, Luthor has come closer to defeating Superman more times than any of his other adversaries. With his brilliant mind, Luthor’s schemes nearly always come close, until his massive ego gets in his way. No matter the situation, it’s…

Mego Museum Update: AirFix Pocket Superheroes added

Mego Pocket Super Heroes

A new addition to the MegoMuseum galleries is the Pocket Superheroes Airfix cards from Germany. Airfix was mainly known for model kits but did distribute some Mego items such as the Micronauts and Star Trek: The Motion Picture. In Germany, they picked up the characters from “Superman the Movie” in both 12″ and Pocket Super…

Figures Toy Company announces Superman Series 3

Straight out of Smallville, here come more characters from the Man of Steel’s supporting cast! Figures Toy Company has begun production on Superman Series 3 retro action figures, which will add some familiar faces to the line that is based on the legendary DC Comics character! Four of the most important characters in Superman history…