Tag: mego pocket heroes

Vintage Mego: 1976 Catalog Part 2- Cher- Ali- Comic Action Heroes

Mego 1976 Catalog Review

Part two of Vintage Mego’s Deep Dive into the classic Mego catalog from 1976 and we look at the amazing additions to such toylines as : Comic Action Heroes Cher Muhammad Ali Our Gang Games Watch the Marty Abrams Interview Here’ https://youtu.be/i09xYhE6CSk Get Toy-Ventures Magazine Issue 4 here: https://www.megomuseum.com/odeon/store…   Subscribe to the MegoMuseum Newsletter…


It’s not every day you see a new vintage Mego item, let alone a Mego Superhero item that you thought didn’t exist but today, we’ve got that going on. In 1977, Mego’s second year of the Comic Action Heroes, they began to solicit the Comic Activator, the catalyst item used in all the playsets save…

Vintage Mego: 1977 Mego Catalog part 2

Vintage Mego cracks open the pages of the 1977 Mego catalog and also we address some misconceptions about Mego. Part 2 subjects include Comic Action Heroes Happy Days One Million BC Starsky and Hutch King Kong Our Gang The Flinstones The Micronauts Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here: www.toyventuresmagazine.com Join us at MegoMania https://www.facebook.com/groups/megomania Subscribe to our…

Vintage Mego: CB McHaul

10-4 Good Buddy! Vintage Mego discusses the CB McHaul toy line from 1977, a series of action figures not based on Superheroes or Science Fiction but on Burt Reynolds movies and your dad’s hobby. It even taught you a secret language known as trucker talk! We talk about the 70s CB radio craze, the line’s…

Vintage Mego: Pocket Superheroes Bat Machine

This week’s installment talks about 1980 and Mego ventures into electronics with the launch of the Pocket Superheroes Bat Machine and Spider-Machines. We talk a bit about how electronic games hurt Mego more than passing on Star Wars and their partners in Mexico Ensueno toys. Visit our Forum at: https://www.megomuseum.com/community Mego Mania is the largest…