Tag: mego spiderman

Vintage Mego: Childhood Megos!

Total departure this week, I want to share the Mego figures I had as a kid that somehow survived childhood! I’ve shown you what I still have, now show me yours, you can hit me up in the following places: The Mego Museum Forums: www.megomuseum.com/community Mego Mania on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/megomania/ Mego Ambassadors Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/201580127134713/

Cancelled MEGO Superheroes: Vintage Mego

  While the Mego World’s Greatest Superheroes is one of the successful toylines of all time, it like any other toyline, did have a fair share of items that didn’t make it into production. Vintage Mego takes a look at a few Superhero items that just didn’t make the cut. Which one of these do…

Vintage Mego: The Supervator Playset

Time to talk about one of the Most ignored toys in the Mego World’s Greatest Superheroes catalog, the Supervator, we talk about its origins and short life with Mego and we also show you how it works. Check out the Mego Superhero Galleries here: https://www.megomuseum.com/galleries/wgsh-index/ This video was created by Brain Heiler (@plaidstallions)   Subscribe…