Tag: Neal Kublan

Vintage Mego: Buck Rogers Laserscope Fighter

Vintage Mego: Bucker Rogers Laser Scope Fighter

New Vintage Mego Video tonight! We begin 2025 with a Mego toy from the 25th Century (aka 1979) with the Buck Rogers Laserscope Fighter an electronic toy that promises space battles. Does it do what it says it does on the box? Find out on the latest episode #mego #megomuseum The Lincoln Monsters are here!…

Mego Museum Flash Gordon Video

We’re pleased to unveil what will be the first of many documentary style shorts about Mego Toy Lines that will be added to the Museum Gallery. The first subject is the Mego Flash Gordon line, one of mego’s finest and definitely one that deserves more attention. Look for more of these shorts in the coming…