Tag: Toy-Ventures magazine

Vintage Mego: Buck Rogers Laserscope Fighter

Vintage Mego: Bucker Rogers Laser Scope Fighter

New Vintage Mego Video tonight! We begin 2025 with a Mego toy from the 25th Century (aka 1979) with the Buck Rogers Laserscope Fighter an electronic toy that promises space battles. Does it do what it says it does on the box? Find out on the latest episode #mego #megomuseum The Lincoln Monsters are here!…

Mego Planet of the Apes & Waltons display @ Alexanders 1976

Mego Planet of the Apes Display at an Alexander’s Department store in 1976. If you look closely you’ll see someone has slipped Grandma Walton into the jail cell along with General Urko. That’s likely because the Mego Walton’s house display is next to it, you can see the Walton’s Truck in this shot. The Mego…

Toy-Ventures: The Saga of Tonka’s STEEL MONSTERS

The Saga of Tonka's STEEL MONSTERS

In honour of the release of Furiosa, Toy-Ventures looks at the most excellent 1980s Post-Apocalyptic Toy Line: Tonka’s Steel Monsters. It was all things “Mad Max” except for the name. How did such a gorgeous toy line fail? What didn’t get made? We get the scoop from the creators. #toyventures #tonka #MadMax  Get Issue 12 of Toy-Ventures shipping…

Toy-Ventures Magazine Issue 12 Cover and Prize Reveal

Toy-Ventures Issue 12

Good News! Issue 12 of Toy-Ventures magazine is now available for pre-order. This issue celebrates Stretch Monster with a deluxe gatefold cover by Mr. Peter Carsillo (the Cover artist for Issue 10). Articles include: Order Early and get an Infl8able Monster at no extra charge (while supplies last.)  Order Issue 12 of Toy-Ventures Here Subscribe…

Toy-Ventures: Massive Star Wars Kenner Haul!

Fisher Price, Adventure People, Kenner, Star Wars, Transformers, GI Joe, Deathstar, Hoth, Playset, Land of the Jawas, Ice Planet Hoth, Yoda, Avon bath, The Black Hole, Buck Rogers, Mego, Clash of the Titans, Mattel, Matchbox Mobile Action Command, Battlestar Galactica, Toy Hunting, Unboxing, Vintage toys Canada, Toy-Ventures, Toy-Ventures Magazine, Vintage toys

Toy-Ventures returns with a dream find of vintage toys. We were recently asked to look at a childhood toy collection that nobody wanted. What we found was a treasure trove of Kenner Star Wars, Fisher Price Adventure People, Mego Buck Rogers, and so much more! Watch Toy-Ventures on YouTube here

Toy-Ventures: Major Mego Score at Toy & Nostalgia Show!

Toy-Ventures: Major Mego Score at Toy & Nostalgia Show!

Toy-Ventures visits the Toronto Toy and Nostalgia Show and scores big time with Canadian Mego Black Hole and Buck Rogers action figures! If that wasn’t enough, we also hit an antique mall! #toyventures #mego #buckrogers #blackhole Toy-Ventures is our magazine; we’re an independent publisher trying to bring back print toy magazines; if you would like…