The Save Retro Action Movement


Not surprisingly, Mego fans have not taken the recent news about the cancellation of the Mattel Retro Action line lightly and several grass roots campaigns have sprung up to help you kindly express your disappointment to Mattel about this decision.

If you’re Facebook inclined, there is a Save Mattel Retro Action group that has details as to where you can contact Mattel and politely express your opinion.

There is also an Online Petition that could use your signature

Strength in numbers Mego fans!


AKA Brian. Curator/helper monkey on the Mego Museum. Webmaster/Creator of . President (and sole employee) of Odeon Toys. Freelance pop culture writer, toy historian and author of the book "Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings" which is now available. Shoe size is 15 wide. 

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