Welcoming Toyman Collectibles to the Mego Museum Mall

The Mego Museum is estatic to welcome it’s newest vendor Toyman Collectibles. Anyone who has been to a recent MegoMeet or has met Chris at his many toy and comic show appearances knows he has some fantastic stuff at fair prices.

And the man has seemingly no end of vintage goodies, so be sure to check back often for new items.

More new vendor announcements this week!

[mp_list_global_products order_by=”date” order=”DESC” show thumbnail=”1″ tag=”toymanchris-2″]


Robyn Adams (under the name Scott C Adams until recently) created the Mego Museum in 1996 and has been constantly redesigning it very slowly ever since. She is an animation background painter, graphic artist, illustrator and web designer in Oakland, California. She can be reached at www.secretfanbase.com