Frogman : Original Accessories and Known Repros
Loose Frogman


AJ's flippers have not been factory reproduced.

Breather Hose


Frogman AJ comes with a breather hose that attaches to his tanks. This has not been factory reproduced.


AJ's tanks come in both white and grey, and have a black band that allows them to attach to his shoulders. This item has not been factory reproduced.


This item has not been factory reproduced.

Face Mask

face mask

This item has not been factory reproduced.

Harpoon Gun

harpoon gun

Frogman AJ comes with a harpoon gun. This has also been found with a few AJ fishing sets. It has not been factory reproduced.

Dive Light

dive light

You need something to see under the sea with, and AJ has this handy dive light. It has not been factory reproduced.



Frogman's hooded suit comes in a couple flavors, orange or red (the carded version comes in black). The material it's made of can vary as well, from rubber like material, to nylon. This item has not been factory reproduced.