Monday, September 11, 2006

Mego Museum Presents the King Kong Galleries

The Mego Museum King Kong Gallery
Nothing is better than unveiling a new gallery at the Museum but it's just a slightly better experience when the subject matter is one of the greatest movie characters of all time. The New Mego Museum King Kong gallery shows Mego at it's creative peak, not content to be the "500 lb Gorilla" in the action figure aisle, Mego was setting itself for total toy store domination.

Please let us know your thoughts at the Museum Forums.

Logical Sneak Preview: In case you didn't notice from Friday, Scott snuck the next set of Megomuseum Trading Cards into his Enterprise thread.

This Fall on the Megomuseum will be an amazing time for Megoheads, new interviews, more photos, new articles and a brand new section for the Museum that will blow your mind! Stay tuned!


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