Friday, August 25, 2006

Mego News for a Friday

We're still under construction but it'll be worth the wait, some fantastic new content, galleries and articles are going to be unveiled in September. In the meantime, there are some neat things going on in our forum:

Paul has created some killer Mego Wall Paper for you desk top, it features our line of trading cards in some creative ways, worth a look.

Speaking of Mego Trading Cards, a poster asks "Will there be more?" and we give some hints.

I'm loving this old Burger King Commercial, remember the Duke of Doubt?

Andrew has created a killer Alice Cooper custom that you gotta check out. Why didn't Mego make an Alice Cooper doll?

Joe has done another amazing job on this figure of Orion from the New Gods

Vinny has a Super Mega sales list of cool Mego stuff, it's causing a riot folks!

Lastly, Shop at any of these vintage toystores? focuses on pictures of long forgotten toy stores....


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