Sunday, September 03, 2006

Announcing Mego Museum Version 5.0


The new Mego Superheroes Section at the Megomuseum

Our founder, Scott Adams has once again outdone himself in the second redesign in less than one year. (You can read Scott's post about the redesign at the forum)

Up first is the Worlds Greatest Superheroes section which will continue to expand. There is still much to do, spaces to fill in, art to replace, pictures to take. We plan to do lots of updating in the next weeks and months.

The new Mego library Section at the Megomuseum

The other highlight today is the newly revised Mego Museum library

The new Mego Catalog Section at the Megomuseum

The new Mego Catalog section now has an amazing timeline, easier navigation and most importantly, BIGGER PHOTOS.

Your feedback is most important during this time, find a broken link? missing image? incorrect text? Please drop us a line or join us at the Museum forums and tell us your thoughts.


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