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Dear Fellow Mego Adventurers,

Welcome to the second issue of Mego Head. Before I start talking about this issue, I would like to thank all of you to all who wrote us about our first issue. Based upon ail of your positive letters, I can honestly say that issue # 1 was a tremendous success! I'm especially glad that everyone was happy with the color copy of the Greatest Ameri­can Hero card artwork and that the Mighty Migh­ tor discovery article was so popular. Take my.. word for it, wait until you see some of the articles and premiums that are planned for upcoming is­sues. You will not be disappointed!

This issue of the Mego Head marks some impor­tant developments and changes. First, the idea of a classified ad section did not go over very well and will be dropped. It seems that many collectors have turned to the internet for buying and selling of Mego items and felt that a quarterly classified section would be dated shortly after publication. Knowing that not every collector buys their toys over the internet, Mego Head will accept small display ads on a very limited basis. Please contact us if you are interested in such a ad.

The club now has its very own e-mail address at ________________. Your letters are very important to us. While I cannot guarantee that every e-mail will be responded to, I do guarantee that your e-mail will be read. Questions regarding Old Forest Press orders can also be sent to us via this address. Many members have expressed a desire for more Mego Head! The general feeling is that whatever excitement and momentum that was created by the first issue was lost in waiting for the quarterly sec­ond issue. Keeping in mind that the club and newsletter is still very much a labor of love, I have decided that starting with this issue Mego Head will now be bimonthly! New issues will be mailed to you towards the end of each odd numbered. month.

Please spread the word about Mego Head. Many Mego Adventurers out there simply do not know that the newsletter/club exists. Only by word of mouth will this change. The more Mego collectors that we can gather together the better it will be for our entire hobby!

Until next issue! John Bonavita