The “Vonderful” second wave of EMCE/Diamond Select Universal Monsters featuring Dracula and Imhotep figures are now available for preorder at Entertainment Earth. Using this link goes toward helping out the Museum. The Web’s Greatest Mego Playset
Behold the Super Collector!
•A double shot of great news today as we now have in hand factory samples of the MegoMuseum Supercollector action figure’s outfit and let me tell ya, it’s looking pretty great. If that weren’t enough, EMCE toys served us up some finished head shots of the squishy vinyl goodness headed our way this summer! Pinch…
Mego Like Answers the question: Who is Captain Mercury?
•Megolike.comhas been updated yet again with new photos and galleries, this time they’ve added galleries for Mercury Interactive and the Mysterious “M Toys” producers of this beauty: Get your knock off kicks at The Web’s Greatest Mego Playset
Reminder: Sinestro goes on sale today @ Mattycollector
•Just a reminder that yellow variant Sinestro is available at 9am PST today, first come, first served. Discuss at the EMCE forums The Web’s Greatest Mego Playset
Mego Demonstration in Spain
A fun little bit of Foreign Mego history for a Friday afternoon. This fun addition to the Megomuseum Ad Archive for Spanish Mego distributor Poch comes to us from sister site Foreign Mego Archive. Dinah Mite seems to be the only lady at this square dance and the Solider Ape looks lonely. Visit Foreign Mego for more exotic…
Mego Museum Podcast Part 2: EMCE Toys Joe Sena & Dr Mego
•The Mego Museum podcast continues with part 2 of the interview with Joe Sena and Paul “Dr Mego” Clarke of EMCE Toys. We discuss what heroes they’d like to do, the latest news on the Brick Mantooth Super Collector doll, the joys of fandom and more. The Web’s Greatest Mego Playset
Mego Museum Podcast: EMCE Toys Joe Sena & Dr Mego
•The Mego Museum podcast returns with part 1 of a two part discussion with Joe Sena and Paul “Dr Mego” Clarke of EMCE Toys. We discuss Zombies, Super Heroes, and more. The Web’s Greatest Mego Playset
Scary stuff at
•Megolike.comhas just been updated with new photos and galleries, this week they’ve expanded the EMCE and Mattel galleries and added one for BifBangPow and Spectre toys: Look for more updates in the next couple of weeks! The Web’s Greatest Mego Playset
Apes invade Japan! Taylor needs your help!
•Many foreign distributors put their own mark on the Mego Planet of the Apes line but one of the most interesting was by Japanese distributor Bullmark who packaged the apes in pretty window boxes with each figure in an action pose. They also included this ultra cool catalog which thanks to Scott from we…
Lost Wave 2 is in production!
•MegoMuseum founder and Lost fan extraordinarie Scott Adams reported today on his blog “The Island of Lost Megos” that after crusading for months Bif Bang Pow has confirmed that wave 2 of the Lost action figures are indeed a go. To add to the excitement Scott has new exclusive close up shots of each character on…