
Vintage Mego: 1974 Mego Catalog- Superheroes- Apes – Monsters

New to the channel? Subscribe! ► Vintage Mego this week looks at the 1974 Mego Catalog, an amazing year for the world’s greatest toy company featuring such creations as Action Jackson, Dinah-Mite, Fighting Yank, the World’s Greatest Superheroes, American West, Mad Monsters, and Planet of the Apes. Our magazine Toy-Ventures is available to order right…

Mint Off Card: Mego General Ursus (Planet of the Apes)

Because you demanded it! Mego Museum Mint Off Card takes a look at General Ursus from the Planet of the Apes. He’s one of the new figures from wave 13. It’s a modern Mego figure but with a classic Mego connection. You can Order the new Mego figures here Check out all the Wave 13…

Mego 14″ Shazam: Mint Off Card Review

Mego Museum Mint Off Card returns with another advance look at Wave 13, this time it’s the 14″ Shazam figure from DC Comics. Fans have been eagerly waiting almost 2 years for the Big Red Cheese. Was he worth the wait? You tell us! You can Order the new Mego figures here Check out all…

Mego Robin : (Mint Off Card Reviews)

Mego wave 13 previews continue with this look at Robin from the DC Comics Superheroes line. This highly anticipated figure is a straight up updating of the classic Mego World’s Greatest Superheroes figure. You can Order the new Mego figures here: Check out all the Wave 13 figures at the Mego Museum: MegoMuseum…