New to the channel? Subscribe! ► Vintage Mego this week looks at the 1974 Mego Catalog, an amazing year for the world’s greatest toy company featuring such creations as Action Jackson, Dinah-Mite, Fighting Yank, the World’s Greatest Superheroes, American West, Mad Monsters, and Planet of the Apes. Our magazine Toy-Ventures is available to order right…
Mint Off Card: Mego General Ursus (Planet of the Apes)
•Mego 14″ Shazam: Mint Off Card Review
•Mego Robin : (Mint Off Card Reviews)
•Mego wave 13 previews continue with this look at Robin from the DC Comics Superheroes line. This highly anticipated figure is a straight up updating of the classic Mego World’s Greatest Superheroes figure. You can Order the new Mego figures here: Check out all the Wave 13 figures at the Mego Museum: MegoMuseum…