Category: Mego

The Phantom Limb Materializes

Bif Bang Pow! is unveiling their Venture Brothers Series Two prototypes this week at San Diego Comic Con and now we’ve got shots of Hamilton G. Fantamos AKA Guild Supervillain The Phantom Limb. This character presented a unique challenge to Bif Bang Pow mostly because his limbs are invisible, while releasing a figure with no…

Bif Bang Pow Reveals Dr. Girlfriend

Bif Bang Pow! is unveiling their Venture Brothers Series Two prototypes this week at San Diego Comic Con and in that selection is the sultry, gravelly voiced better half to the Monarch, Dr. Girlfriend! While this prototype will likely differ from the finished product, all I have to say is, wow, they are on the…

Cast-a-Way Toys at SDCC

Cast-a-Way Toys while not at SDCC in person will be there in spirit (and infigures) at the Shocker Toys booth (#3849) starting tonight (Thursday). Ondisplay will be our newly updated Captain Action and Dr. Eville figures.Each featuring new paint apps, updated accessories and new card art byrenowned comic artist Art Thibert. Also on display will…

The 1980 Mego show room is all about Sci Fi

This rare photo of the 1980 Mego showroom claims the model is wearing “Star Trek regalia” (not sure what uniform that is) but more importantly it gives a glimpse of what Mego had to offer at Toy Fair 1980. This photo not only shows Black Hole toys that were never released to market but also…

Lost Mego Archives Found

Coming Summer 2010 to the Mego Museum: Newly uncovered images of Mego items straight from the original R&D department including several never before seen prototypes. You only thought you’d seen it all…. The Web’s Greatest Mego Playset

Spider-Man, The Cowardly Lion and Dr Cornelius visit Long Island.

When Mego celebrated a grand opening, they invited only A listers to the event, as evidenced by characters from the biggest lines of 1975, namely Wizard of Oz, World’s Greatest Superheroes and Planet of the Apes. Note the wonderful assortment of product behind them. Click on the photo for a better view. Discuss this at…

The Mighty Marvel Heroes Display Box

A new edition to the Mego Superhero Display Box Gallery today, this drool worthy and tough to find Marvel Superheroes display box lid. What kid could resist that header card in 1975? It’s impossible. You can get a closer look at it and the many other wonderful display boxes displayed at the Display Box Gallery…

The Island of Lost Megos

What do you do when a toy company marries your favourite television show with your favourite action figure design? Well, if you’re Scott Adams, the founder of the Megomuseum website, you create a blog about it.The Island of Lost Megos celebrates Bif Bang Pow’s new “Lost” line and hopes to introduce series fans and toy…

Wave 2 Retro Action Heroes Carded

Matty Collector released carded shots of the highly anticipated wave 2 of the Retro Action Heroes today including Batman, Two Face, Aquaman and Black Manta. A couple of nice surprises in there, check them out here. The Web’s Greatest Mego Playset