Category: Mego

Jean Lafitte Defends the Mego Museum Shores

Very pleased to announce the latest Mego Museum Trading Card (Number 82 this time) of pirate/smuggler/American war hero Jean Lafitte from the “World’s Greatest Super Pirates” line. If that weren’t enough we’ve also revised Jean Lafitte’s gallery page with new photography and foreign packaging, click on the picture to visit. Discuss on the Mego Museum…

Mego Invents the Transportation System of the Future

Click on the picture to see a larger view Going back to 1979 today where Mego was hoping to have the Micronauts Rocket Tubes under every tree that Christmas. As this interview with former Mego VP Harvey Zelman points out, it didn’t go exactly as planned for the Micronauts that year. View more vintage Mego…

Sock! Bam! Splat!

This unassuming little bit of toy industry news from July 1973 would see the arrival of the Mego World’s Greatest Superheroes . A toy line would dominate the action figure aisle for the remainder of the decade. Even back in 1973 there was no love for Aquaman, what’s up with that? View more vintage Mego…

Aquaman VS the Great White Shark Sticker

As an added bonus to the 1978 REImagined Catalog (currently on sale) we’ve included this little tribute to this rare item which coincedentally was released in 1978 by Mego. I recently noticed that in the catalog we had dropped Aquaman from the WGSH line up, so this is kind of making up for that. The…

1978 ReImagined Catalog Ready to Order!

What if? Mego hadn’t passed on Star Wars? There were additional waves to the World’s Greatest Superheroes line? The KISS dolls were 8″ tall so you could use them on other adventures? Scooby and the Gang got in on the fun? These are just some of the answers the MegoMuseum community tries to provide with…

Heroes In Action: Abraham Lincoln

Toy Maker Heroes In Action sent us a sneak peak at the upcoming Abraham Lincoln figre from their ever expanding “Presidential Heroes” line. While I’m sure history buffs are excited by this, I for one, can’t wait to put him in my Star Trek display. The line will also be getting new packaging in 2010…

Great White Update

It’s time to take a look at a classic bit of Mego magic with the revised Aquaman Vs the Great White Shark gallery. We’ve improved the original photography for this wonderful (and stupildy hard to find) toy and added new links and info. Visit the Great White Shark Gallery Here. Discuss at the Mego Museum…

Gestern Wars Promotional Piece

Fantastic Update courtesy of Jens Knappman today who was kind enough to scan this rare German leaflet for the Lion Rock Gestern Wars series but also translated the whole thing for us as well. It’s a really neat look at foreign marketing many of us haven’t seen before: 1939 – 1945GESTERN WAR’S.When the world was…

Great Webs! Crime Doesn’t Pay!

A fun update today at the Mego Museum Super Softie Gallery, today we take a look at Spider-Man with new pictures including (finally!) shots of the 19″ Spider-Man figure boxed. All that plus you can click to hear Spider-Man talk, click the link to hear cuddly Peter Parker.. The Web’s Greatest Mego Playset