Game of Thrones action figures from Sprytel of House Mego

first_3_wavesSeason Three of Game of Thrones premieres on HBO tonight and there’s no better way for Mego-heads to celebrate the return of this amazing series than with a batch of amazing Custom Megos!

Museum member Sprytel has produced five waves of perfectly Mego-styled figures based on George RR Martin’s epic in ornate costumes and complete with classic Mego window boxes . The figures make use of vintage Mego era heads (an Excel Kojak head for Varys, a mutilated Davy Crockket for the Hound, and re-rooted hair turns Dorothy from Oz into the Mother of Dragons), heads from modern Mego-style figures (Bif Bang Pow’s Flash Gordon makes a perfect Jaime Lannister while a CTVT Space 1999 Sandra Benes head makes for a great Brianne of Tarth). An assortment of Breyer horseriding girls and custom made heads round out the cast.

See the original threads below for more pics and descriptions of how these ornate yet very Mego-like figures were made, or visit Sprytel’s Photobucket page.

Wave 1 Jaime Lannister, Tyrion the Imp, Littlefinger

Wave 2 King Robert Barratheon, Khal Drogo, Ned Stark

Wave 3 Cersei, Daenerys, Varys

Wave 4 Jon Snow and Robb Stark

Wave 5 Arya Stark, Sandor Clegane, Brienne of Tarth

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Robyn Adams (under the name Scott C Adams until recently) created the Mego Museum in 1996 and has been constantly redesigning it very slowly ever since. She is an animation background painter, graphic artist, illustrator and web designer in Oakland, California. She can be reached at