Mego Meet 2005 went well enough that we did it again in 2006, making it officially an annual event. Once again there were displays, sessions and dealers, but we tried to up the ante a bit with more rare stuff on display, and some big news coming out of the sessions. We also added a raffle that was a lot of fun.
Once again we kicked off the event on Friday night. This is an opportunity for people arrive at their own pace, renew friendships and meet people they've only met online before the main part of the event starts. They gather in what will become the dealer room. The dealers setup and the gang socializes while starting to swap and trade. Eventually Pizza is brought in, the gang eats, and eventually retires to some of the local Wheeling establishments of their choice for either rest or more...refreshments.
By 1:30 A.M. we had wore out our welcome at this local establishment as was asked to leave. The waitstaff beat us out of the parking lot. Like the year before, a lot of us ended up in the Mego suite until about 4 A.M.
As mentioned, there were Mego display's galore, as well as the usual vintage toy fare always available at the Kruger Street Museum. In 2006, we added some of Mego's non 8" product, as well as a Micronauts display and a bunch of rare stuff, including a few one of a kinds in Berto's Web Hand Aquaman, and Ron Peritore's Grey Action Jackson Mustang.
The sessions were in full swing again. Brian Heiler, Curator of the Mego Museum, headed a couple sessions. One on "Mego What-if's/Never Was" and another later in the day on Foreign Mego releases. Chris Johnson returned to host a session on the Mego 3 3/4 inch figures and Benjamin Holcombe revealed pages from his upcoming book, "World's Greatest Toys", a comprehensive look at Mego's 8" World's Greatest Superhero's line. The afternoon saw Mirconauts expert Ray Miller share his knowledge, and a couple panel sessions, one a General session with a panel of Mego experts, and another focused on Mego Customs with some of the hobbies top customizers fielding questions.
redtubeRon Peritore once again brought his original Gray Morrow western box artwork to share with us, this time adding three more pieces to the collection.
The dealer room was hopping once again. Roberto Ligotti's table is always one not to be missed.
Of course it takes him a while to get all that stuff set up!
It wouldn't seem like a dealer room at a Mego event without Paul "Doc Mego" Clarke. Doc always has special show pricing and is a popular stop amoung the Mego populace.
A late addition to the dealer room, Mark Huckabone made the trip to WV. Mark has just about everything you could ever want
Of course there were several other dealers as well, and I think all of us came away with our wallets a little thinner and a smile on our faces.
A raffle was held late in the day, and one of the guys walked away with a carded Star Trek Andorian. Tons of other prizes were given in the raffle, all donated by members of the Mego Museum.
Like the year before, we gathered at a local restaurant named Undo's to share a final meal together and officially end the day.
Those that still hadn't had enough found themselves, once again, hanging out in the Mego Suite at the Super 8 until the early morning hours.