Mego Planet of the Apes

 Village Playset & Forbidden Zone Trap

 Treehouse and Fortress

 Battering Ram /Catapult & Wagon  Throne
 Action Stallion


Mego Planet of the Apes Village Playset

The Village Playset is the exact same structure as the Batcave, but has different cardboard art inside the vinyl, including a painting of the wrecked Statue of Liberty on the back. The weapon's bench was recycled from Mego's Action Jackson line.

This may be the only playset that has activelly promoted human dissection, and the victim on the table is a custom. Photo by Phil

Damn you all to hell! The back of the playset shows a special attention to Ape detail.

The Box for the Village is HUGE and incorporates a beautiful color scheme.

The back of the Box for the Village is one color line artwork, very common in the 70's.

This picture of the Apes figures is so large, that it's suitable for framing.


"Thats it, just a little closer" Forbidden Zone Trap playset courtesy Brian Heiler

Here is the box which features an unhappy looking astronaut Burk.