Store Settings

Setting up your Store:

The store is operated under the Products Tab on the left menu.

Click on Store Settings: There are a number of settings tabs across the middle top of the Store Settings Page. The most important settings YOU MUST enter are:

Store Settings

Store Settings

General Settings: Enter your location information and tax rate settings. The remaining settings are up to your preference.


Flat Rate is the most simple, of course. Enter the rate for your standard Priority Mail Box in the various areas (US, Canada, International).

Shipping options

Shipping options

Table rate allows you to set a number of layers. i.e.: Anything over $20 is charged $8.95 shipping, anything over $30 is $12.95, etc.

Weight rate works the same, anything over 5 pounds is $xx.00, 10 pounds $xx.00, etc.

Table Rate Example

Table Rate Example

You will be able to add special additional shipping to each item if needed. So you might set a flat rate of $10 and then add $2 for each item, for instance.

Shipping calculation is a bit of an art. Always be open to refunding extra shipping costs if you discover you overcharged inadvertantly.

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