Tag: mego star trek

Mego Star Trek Aliens Prototypes Discovery!

Mego Star Trek Aliens Prototypes

Thanks to a Facebook marketplace ad, a toy collector has now discovered the hand made original Mego Star Trek Aliens prototypes. Tom reached out to the Mego Museum after purchasing a large number of toys from an elderly man who was good friends with a Mego designer.The majority of the lot being mint, uncirculated carded…

Mego Star Trek Andorian & Talosian review (Mint Off Card)

Mego, Megomuseum, Mego Star Trek, Journey to Babel, Reggie Nalder, The Cage, Talosians, Mego Star Trek Aliens, Plaidstallions, Toyventures, Mego toys, Dr Mego, Marty Abrams, Mego 2024, Mego Walmart, Mego unboxing, Mego review, action figure review, Star Trek, Mr. Spock,

Mego Museum Mint Off Card unwraps the latest Star Trek characters from Mego Wave 18. How do the Andorian and the Talosian stack up against their vintage Mego counterparts? You tell us! Get Issue 12 of Toy-Ventures shipping this week! Click Here for past installments of 5 Awesome Things on eBay this week Join our…


Mego Star Trek 2024

Mego Corp and Star Trek – The Iconic Voyage Continues! Today we present pictures of the just received factory samples of the upcoming Wave 18 Star Trek Talosian and Andorian Ambassador! These fan favorite Star Trek characters are part of Wave 18 due to arrive this quarter! The Klingon death howl heard throughout the collecting…

Mego Micronauts + Superheroes = MAGNA HEROES: Vintage Mego

Mego Like Micronauts Magna Heroes Mego Museum

Vintage Mego returns with a look at the Magna Heroes, a marriage of the Micronauts and the Superheroes. It’s the one Mego Superhero line most of us never got but probably should have. Iron Man was played by Jason Lenzi. Special thanks to Eddy Berst and Will McGowan (@toltoys_kid) for sharing their discoveries. #Mego #megoMuseum…

Toyfair: Mego Star Trek booth is full of surprises

Toyfair: Mego Star Trek

Thanks to our friend Frank @AbsolutelyRetro, we’ve got some shots of the Mego 2023 ToyFair booth and there are some reveals and a possible hint at the future. An interesting detail at the show are these figures on “Classic Cards” but upon closer examination, aren’t original Mego. They’ve been altered somewhat, with Mego’s 50th anniversary…

ToyFair 2023: Mego World’s Greatest Superheroes & Super Gals!

Mego Superheroes at Toyfair 2023

Thanks to our friend Frank @AbsolutelyRetro, we’ve got some shots of the Mego 2023 ToyFair booth and there is a lot to unpack starting with the Mego World’s Greatest Superheroes toy line. We see the promised upcoming wave of 50th Anniversary Mego World’s Greatest Superheroes decked out in their vintage-looking window boxes. As well, we…

Mego at Galaxy Con this weekend

Getting set up at GalaxyCon Raleigh! Please stop by, check out the booth (#500) and talk Mego! GalaxyCon Raleigh is a 4-day event at the Raleigh Convention Center (July 27-30, 2023). We have some really great items with us, including the 50th Anniversary World’s Greatest Super-Heroes and a wide array of vintage Mego figures too!…

New Mego Star Trek Talosian Images

Talosian Mego Star Trek

As we found out yesterday, Mego’s next wave will include two new, highly anticipated Aliens from Star Trek the Original Series. The Talosian and the Andorian both saw release by Mego in the 1970s but these new releases are intended to be more screen accurate. Thanks to Frank at Absolutely Retro we have some nice…

Next Mego Wave Revealed for 2023

A new order form has surfaced, and while these things are always subject to change (and have changed), this is a pretty interesting look at where Mego intends to go. The World’s Greatest Superheroes are leading the charge with a wave that doesn’t include a single original mego WGSH reproduction. It’s somebody’s wishlist of DC…