Tag: mego target

Mego Corp. Reveals at Mego Meet: Here is what we know

Mego Meet 15 was our biggest and best celebration of all things Mego, a perfect mix of vintage, custom and new Mego action figures completely buoyed by the presence of the newly reformed Mego Corporation. Mego CEO Marty Abrams and President Joel Rosenzweig and Paul “Dr. Mego” Clarke, spoke in an intimate “Town Hall” style…

An Interview with Marty Abrams Part 2

This 1974 Interview with then Mego president Marty Abrams is a new discovery here at the Museum. The second installment (You can find Part one here) speaks specifically to Abram’s philosophy on licensing, his past experiences and what he believes is a good license particularly Planet of the Apes, the Superheroes and his latest Evel…

An Interview with Marty Abrams Part 1

We here at the Mego Museum were excited to find this vintage toy industry publication interview with then Mego President Marty Abrams. This 1974 piece gets Abram’s opinions on the Toy Industry, Licensing and his vision of the future – specifically his then red hot Planet of the Apes license. Part two will follow next…