Tag: star trek mego

Mego Star Trek Aliens Prototypes Discovery!

Mego Star Trek Aliens Prototypes

Thanks to a Facebook marketplace ad, a toy collector has now discovered the hand made original Mego Star Trek Aliens prototypes. Tom reached out to the Mego Museum after purchasing a large number of toys from an elderly man who was good friends with a Mego designer.The majority of the lot being mint, uncirculated carded…

Vintage Mego: Treasures at Parkdale Novelty!

parkdale Novelty

On this very special episode of Vintage Mego, we visit legendary Canadian toy company Parkdale Novelty, AKA “Mego Canada, ” the first of Mego’s international distributors. We talk to Rob and Donna, the third-generation owners, who share stories and generously let me dig through their toy archives. #mego #megomuseum New to the channel? Subscribe! ►https://bit.ly/3D3zxJK…

Vintage Mego: Star Trek Movie Aliens

Seeing as it’s the 40th anniversary of Star Trek: The Motion Picture let’s take a look at the tough to find and under-appreciated line of second series characters from Mego’s toy line. Visit us online at: Follow us on Twitter: @MegoMuseum Mego Museum Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/TheMegoMuseum/ Mego Mania Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/megomania/