Tag: toy ventures magazine

Toy-Ventures: Mego Meet @ ZoloCon Recap!

Toy-Ventures: Mego Meet @ ZoloCon Recap!

Toy-Ventures: Mego Meet @ ZoloCon Recap! Toy-Ventures returns to cover our biggest event of the year, Mego Meet, held at Zolo Con in Warminster, PA. This was a true blast of vintage, modern, and Custom Mego action figures. I hope you’ll check out this incredible feast of vintage toys! Mike Zolotorow, Krista Schmidt and the…

Vintage Mego: 1980 Mego Spring Catalog

  Vintage Mego this week looks at one of the rarer catalogs to come from Mego, the 1980 Spring supplement which features toylines they thought would be the highlights of 1980 including the Micronauts, BGlack Hole, Star Trek the Motion Picture, Fashion Candy, Web Spinning Spider-Man and Elastic Plastic Man among others.   GET Issue…

Vintage Mego: Captain Americar (Worlds Greatest Superheroes)

Vintage Mego this week looks at the Mego World’s Greatest Superheroes Captain Americar, which was released in 1976 and only sold for one brief year. Why did Spider-Man and Captain America even get cars? We discuss that and more in the week’s installment. Join us at MegoMania: https://www.facebook.com/groups/megomania Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwYta3nz_7FAzPvP8FPSgpg?view_as=subscriber  …

Vintage Mego: Star Trek Mission to Gamma VI

Vintage Mego takes a look at the classic Mego Star Trek playset “Mission to Gamma VI” an alien world environment loosely based on a classic epsiode of the television series. We also talk about why the Mego Star Trek line abruptly ended in 1977 even though it was still quite popular. Talk Mego Star Trek…