Toy-Ventures: Mego Meet @ ZoloCon Recap!
Toy-Ventures returns to cover our biggest event of the year, Mego Meet, held at Zolo Con in Warminster, PA. This was a true blast of vintage, modern, and Custom Mego action figures. I hope you’ll check out this incredible feast of vintage toys!
Mike Zolotorow, Krista Schmidt and the entire Zolo-Con Family.
Jason Schiermeyer of White Elephant Toyz
Paul “Dr. Mego” Clarke of Mego Corporation.
Scott Brown -Cool Retro Pop
Kevin Fiore, Scott Fiore and the entire Fiore clan.
Frank Wojo of Absolutely Retro
Todd @Tiny Plastic Men
AmberZomie and Stitch
Paul Wasson
John Coe Creations
Mark Huckabone from Heroes Online
Brent Sorensen of Brentzdollz
Vin Carnabuci (and family) from Vin’s Universe.
Seth Buckely from Seth Buckley’s Toyland
Mike “MegoZilla” Jimenez
Amber Zombie and Stitch
Steve Stovall from Super Joe Unlimited
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zolocon, micronauts, customego, custom mego, knock offs, lincoln monsters, AHI, Mego Corp, Dr Mego, Absolutely retro, Planet of the Apes, NECA, tiny plastic men, Cipsa, Big Jim, Kid Acero, mego museum, Mego collectors, Zolo con, BASA, foreign mego, Lincoln International, Absolutely Retro, Toy-Ventures, Plaidstallions, Denys Fisher, Noctun, Space:1999, Star Trek, Micronauts, Custom Mego, Custom Action Figures, Membros, Zolo World, He-Man, toy shows, toy collector, Toy Ventures Magazine, Dracula, Horror,